Monday 11 August 2014

Black Pearl Shower Gel

Black Pearl Shower Gel

Lush Kitchen Description 2014
Calm stormy moods with this soothing, shimmering shower gel packed with a double shot of lavender and chamomile. Take a deep breath and blast away dark clouds with an infusion of restful lavender and chamomile. The combination of relaxing olibanum and myrrh with chamomile blue oil and lavender absolute helps to restore balance to both your outlook and your skin, setting you back on course.

Lush-pedia review
Hmm... I'm still not sold on this. Like with some other gels, I ordered this blindly from the kitchen, mostly because I read a review that mentioned something about black sugar and that was enough for me. I also read 'lavender' in the ingredients and thought that it was going to be in the Twilight scent family. I was wrong, but it's not all bad! It has a thicker consistency than other shower gels from Lush (relatable to the consistency of Yummy Yummy Yummy shower gel) and is a dark grey colour. It pretty much just smells like very luxurious chamomile lotion mixed with a few other nice things like faint lavender.  It does smell very relaxing, and after overcoming the initial disappointment of it being nothing like Twilight and not being a sweet scent I was able to enjoy it, although after having it over a month I have only reached for it a few times. I like this, but I definitely like other gels from Lush a lot better and in the future I think I would stock up on others instead of this one if it were ever available again. Don't get me wrong though, I'm still happy to have it kicking around in my collection and it was worth buying it to try it.

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